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Certifying teams, coaches and players is a time-consuming and complex task. In order to make this process as efficient as possible, each team's credentials must be presented in a manner that is organized and systematic. No team's credentials will be examined unless they are organized according to the following guidelines: 

I. All materials must be in a three-ring binder. 
II. It is suggested that each item be placed inside a sheet protector. Optional - if sheet protectors are used all documents must be able to be viewed without removing -- maximum of two 1-sided documents placed back to back, or one 2-sided document per sheet protector. 
III. Each section of the notebook shall be identified by a divider tab with the title of the section displayed. 
IV. Information will be presented in the following order:

A. Team Information (in order of presentation) 

  1. USA Hockey certified 1T roster certified by your States Registrar.
  2. All NTB teams are required to have a locker room monitor and team manager listed on their 1T roster.
  3. Credential Verification Grid.  All teams participating in States/District/Nationals are required to provide their teams credentials verification sheet printed out from the USAH portal software.
  4. All NTB teams need to show the jersey numbers and positions for each player on the teams 1T roster.

B. Coach Information (in order of presentation for each rostered individual)  

  1. Signed USA Hockey Waiver of Liability** form.  
  2. Signed/dated Consent to Treat form (3Ca Rev. 6/21) required for each manager/volunteer listed on your 1T roster.

C. Manager Information (in order of presentation for each rostered individual)  

  1. Signed USA Hockey Waiver of Liability** form. 
  2. Signed/dated Consent to Treat form (3Ca Rev. 6/21) required for each manager/volunteer listed on your 1T roster.

D. Player Information (in order of presentation for each rostered individual)  

  1. A verification and affirmation that a review of each player's birth certificate has been completed by a district registrar or his/her designee.  When no verification and affirmation is provided, a copy of a government issued birth certificate, Verification of Birth or a copy of a passport identification page for each rostered player, is required.  Baptismal certificates and hospital certificates are NOT acceptable forms of birth verification.  Also, for High School Varsity Division and/or Prep School Division, evidence of current school enrollment eligibility to participate on the team is required. 
  2. USA Hockey Waiver of Liability** form.
  3. Signed/dated Consent to Treat form (3Ca Rev. 6/21) required for each player, coach and manager listed on your 1T roster.
  4. Non-U.S. citizens must meet proof of legal residency requirements and transfer from their home country ice hockey federation (if required) as stated in Rules & Regulations III. C. 

E.  Sanctioned game sheets

  1. Teams are required to provide sanctioned game sheets arranged chronologically from the first game on, to be used to verify team and player eligibility under the 20/10 (youth), 14/10 (girls) or 10/5 (high school) game rule.
  2. If a 20/10, 14/10 or 10/5 waiver was issued to a team or a player, a copy of the approved waiver from Darla Thompson, Rocky Mountain District Registrar must be provided. 

20/10, 14/10 or 10/5 Game Rule - Each team must have competed as a team unit in at least 20 games for Youth teams, at least 14 games for Girls/Women teams and at least 10 games for High School teams after the certification date of the team roster and each player must have played in at least 10 games for Youth and Girls'/Women's teams and at least 5 games for High School teams.  Teams formed and certified prior to the September 1 season start date may have games played in August counted toward fulfilling the 20/10, 14/10 and 10/5 requirement with the approval of the District Registrar. 

**Player and coaches who registered online at usahockey.com are not required to complete a paper Waiver of Liability.  A W in the Waiver Column of the official team roster indicates the Waiver of Liability is not required.  For these individuals, the Waiver of Liability was electronically signed during the online registration process.  
Registration confirmation pages and birth certificates are not required in your team books.